About Me

My name is Amshi Stephenson and this is my diabetic journey. My life changed instantly when I was diagnosed with Type One Diabetes on December 17, 2011. Now I live a new lifestyle which is why I have decided to share my story and experiences with you.

I’m a foodie, fitness junkie, Proverbs 31 woman, aspiring traveler and most importantly T1D.

My blog will reveal the good, the bad and the ugly… believe me diabetes isn’t always pretty. Together we can embrace the highs and lows (literally) and be living testimonies for those who are afraid to share their story.

“I have diabetes, diabetes does not have me.” 

I want to share your story. Please follow, like, share, comment and use the hashtag #LivingDiabetter on social media!

As seen on:

Laurens Hope logo
Story of HopeJals-logo-blk-ltr-blue-circle-with-wordsDiabetic on the Margin

MediPeds Logo